He said it was unclear which of the youths made the remark "I hate PR's," which prompted investigators to classify the case as bias-related.
The bomb plot is also prompting federal investigators to rethink the cause of a cargo-plane crash in September.
The admission by Mr. Colbern that he knew Mr. McVeigh under his alias, Tim Tuttle, has prompted investigators to question Mr. Colbern closely.
The ability for axons to navigate and adjust responses to various extracelluar cues, at long distances from the cell body, has prompted investigators to look at the intrinsic properties of growth cones.
The bombings were initially against people associated with universities and airlines, which prompted investigators to call it the Unabom case.
The claims made in April by the man, John Habenstein of Hillsborough, prompted investigators from the United States and Canada to spring into action.
Some reports from Russia prompted investigators to look for another Russian spy within the C.I.A., former officials said.
The accident prompted investigators to look into Mr. Marrone's background, which led to the conflict of interest investigation of Mrs. Vella-Marrone.
Mr. Shishani's case has prompted federal investigators in Las Vegas to re-examine a similar check-fraud case there for ties to terrorism.
A12 Poor education among immigrants in California was found by two recent surveys, prompting investigators to warn that Federal and state aid will be inadequate in fostering their assimilation into society.