Two incidents in which workers suffered breathing difficulties have now prompted doctors to call for new warnings to workers.
Upon returning to consciousness Dignam spoke of having had a near-death experience which prompted doctors to inject him with two shots of adrenaline.
The baby had a persistent fever and cold and his lymph nodes were swollen, prompting doctors to test him for the virus.
Still, the infection prompted doctors to put the boys in separate rooms to prevent Clarence from getting it, Dr. Marion said.
The 28-year-old who was raped and beaten last month in Central Park continued to improve yesterday, prompting doctors to upgrade her condition from critical to serious.
He has suffered at least eight concussions in his career with the National Hockey League, prompting doctors to suggest he retire.
The hospital in Bingol was damaged, prompting doctors to treat scores of injured people in a tent set up in the garden.
Only 16 percent of the patients assigned to the group treated conservatively had symptoms that prompted doctors to prescribe angiography or angioplasty.
A Korean version failed, prompting Cuban doctors to order one from Spain.
She also had epilepsy, and the risk of a seizure prompted doctors to advise that she not be left alone for long.