They didn't feel they received the proper promotional support and ended up leaving the label a year later.
Most balk, though, because such deals require them to forgo some promotional support from the other manufacturers.
It also provided direct financial and promotional support to other local nonprofit organizations.
Arranged by Joe Renzettii it was released in 1969, but without promotional support.
Bund received a lot of promotional support by the German media.
In return, Disney will receive promotional support for at least two animated films a year.
In 1995, the band released their first full length album which sold 5,000+ units with virtually no promotional support or distribution.
The label gave little promotional support to the release, and parted ways with the band soon after.
With no industry or much promotional support, the disc sank.
As a result, "Haunted" received no further promotional support and the album faded from the market place.