It features onscreen and offscreen news about the series, interviews with and articles about performers, storyline summaries and analysis, and related promotional information.
According to the promotional information, when Joe joined World Intelligence Network (WIN) there were 89 agents based in London, making him the 90th.
However, if you also choose to receive promotional information from us then we may use your mailing address for this purpose.
State law forbade private clubs from advertising at the time, so Saltas' newsletter was the only way for clubs to get promotional information out.
He spent his time in New York where he distributed promotional information about the state.
Some components may convey promotional information about the male's merits - his size, health and vigor.
The backs are numbered next to the actor's name and include vital statistics and biographical and promotional information.
Nationally broadcast ads close with the M.L.B. logo, while locally ads conclude with promotional information from each team.
Mr. Jackson was to appear with several other rappers at Don Hill's, a club in SoHo, on Jan. 16, according to promotional information.
Many historians point to the Mendelson Opera as the first to use matchbooks for advertising purposes; they hand wrote their promotional information on blank matchbook covers.