A great tune from Jennifer s 2010 CD Now Is The Hour with a montage of the promotional footage.
The online tracking for Prometheus surged with each additional promotional footage.
Limited amounts of the group's sample work and promotional footage were available via the internet.
The tape also included a making-of featurette, cast and crew interviews, promotional footage, and footage of a theatrical screening.
"Surely you've seen the promotional footage," he said, "with the grunts suited up and pushing gi-nonnous sections of a spoke with the tips of their fingers or a spare foot?"
Dimension Films also shot extra scenes for their 2006 horror remake, Black Christmas - these scenes were used in promotional footage for the film, but are similarly absent from the theatrical release.
The first disc contains the remastered original album, while the second disc is a DVD, containing the two promo videos, and some additional promotional footage.
In 1982, Richard Prelinger, a typesetter, started collecting what he calls "ephemeral films" - promotional and instructional footage, most of it made decades ago and long since forgotten.
Special features include theatrical trailers, TV spots and promotional footage.
Good Morning America aired promotional footage featuring the show's weatherman Sam Champion during a preview flight in Ohio.