At the end, they were nowhere in sight, so Lee collected the first prize of $80,000 in addition to a promotional fee.
"We are talking about paying the athletes a promotional fee for clinics and appearances," said Mark Block, a Flynn spokesman.
Probably getting a promotional fee from Jantzen, Carroll thought.
They are asked to advance 1 percent of the asking sale price for the promotional fee for the auction.
The channel paid for the statue, but it is not being charged a promotional or advertising fee by the Port Authority.
Over the weekend, Cayton denied rumors that he was attempting to cut King's promotional fee.
The next year, Molson's up the promotional fee and used their show exclusively to introduce a new brand of beer called Molson Diamond.
Then he got a raise to $275,000 in base pay but earned $450,000 gross in his second year, with bonuses and promotional fees.
There is a $75,000 reward for first place, along with her promotional fee, which is believed to be in six figures.
He's being paid millions of dollars in endorsements and promotional fees because he's articulate and good-looking.