As a result the tour was cancelled and he was unable to fully complete his promotional duties for the album.
To accommodate his promotional duties for the film Frozen shooting had to be split into two parts.
Santiago-Holly went on one tour (October, 1958) with her husband and took on promotional duties.
Their job begins as a series of promotional duties but eventually leads to producing and hosting a live radio show.
Some countries are moving to take promotional duties away from them.
Specifically, this station performed sales and promotional duties for the cable-exclusive affiliate.
"I can relate to that song big time," he says over the phone from Hollywood, where the band were fulfilling some promotional duties.
Gosling found the filming process to be a "dark experience" and did not undertake any promotional duties for the film.
As of 2011, both the facilities enjoy promotional duty and tax exemptions as animation industry is considered a new venture by the Govt.
But the company (along with most other networks and studios) view them as part of the promotional duties.