Its marketing strategy centered on the drink's caffeine content, billing it as a means to promote wakefulness.
Acetylcholine is known to promote wakefulness in the basal forebrain.
March 17, 2009 - Provigil promotes wakefulness without getting you hooked.
Modafinil seems to activate these orexin neurons in animal models, which would be expected to promote wakefulness.
However, caffeine in tea is permitted, even encouraged for monks of most traditions, as it is believed to promote wakefulness.
Modafinil is a medication that promotes wakefulness.
From the outset, Jolt's marketing strategy centered on the caffeine content, billing the drink as a means to promote wakefulness.
It is intended to relieve tension and "promote wakefulness" during meditation.
Orexin seems to promote wakefulness.
Central administration of orexin-A strongly promotes wakefulness, increases body temperature, locomotion and elicits a strong increase in energy expenditure.