This has never been the case with Hispanics, and until recently there has not been an emphasis on promoting Hispanic vocations.
Father Mansfield has already become the archdiocese's official for promoting vocations to the priesthood.
Since 2008 the seminary has been hosting the Cardinal Cordeiro Cricket tournament to promote religious vocations and remember Pakistan's first cardinal.
On the day of his ordination he vowed to found a religious congregation for promoting vocations to priesthood and religious life.
Celibacy Question Continues But even as we promote vocations, the celibacy question - as you so well know - continues to surface.
Father Regan estimates that 85 percent of all Catholic dioceses in the United States have some kind of site promoting vocations.
Bishop Sebastian Vayalil supported the Missions and promoted vocations.
Gilbert promoted vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
He also promoted vocations, and ordained a total of 200 priests for the Archdiocese.
We must resist them in their pessimism, and continue in our efforts to promote vocations to the priesthood and the religious life.