In 1999 the Toys in Babeland staff developed a specific mission: to promote and celebrate sexual vitality by providing an honest, open and fun environment.
This system promotes vitality in the firm, theoretically allowing only the strongest performers to reach leadership positions.
Its mission is to care for caregivers worldwide by determining the best ways to promote the physical hardiness, emotional resilience, and spiritual vitality of humanitarian relief and development personnel.
Wind Program Works to enable rapid expansion of clean, affordable, reliable, domestic wind power to promote national security, economic vitality, and environmental quality.
Spider silk fibers are shown to promote cellular adhesion, proliferation, and vitality.
Performance-enhancing substances have been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine by societies around the world, with the aim of promoting vitality and strength.
Promoting fitness and vitality.
Through their leadership at Thirteen/WNET, they helped promote the strength and vitality of public broadcasting in our community.
Exercise and sport promote vitality, in both individual and team events.
It is suggested such use would also relieve lethargy, fatigue, and insomnia, while promoting strength and vitality, enhancing blood circulation.