To promote the video Swift released thirteen behind the scene "webisodes" daily on her official website.
In response to the lack of label-side support, the band's fans took it upon themselves to help promote the video in more of a grassroots marketing way.
A DVD single was released on October 29, 2002, in the U.S. to promote the album and the video.
"We are as strong as our weakest link," said Ms. Powers, who was in New York recently with Silver Fox members to promote the video.
In 2009, Verka promoted the video for their new song called Ogin and returned to the music scene.
Although the Gingrich campaign is promoting the video, and using slices of it on commercials, it didn't make it.
In order to promote the video, Madonna did a special known as Madonna's Pajama Party on March 18, 1995.
Fans were actively encouraged to promote and spread the video, and it garnered several top honors on the site.
Mayre Martinez started to promote the single by live performances and a music video, which has been cancelled.