The institute receives $1.5 million a year in state funds and is charged with promoting racial sensitivity and the teachings of Dr. King.
But Ahern & Heussner can lay claim to an early stake in the issue, having begun to promote environmental sensitivity to would-be clients shortly after being founded.
Augustana's stated academic goals are to "promote sensitivity to and appreciation of values essential for students to become effective citizens in local, national and international communities."
It was created to promote sensitivity and understanding of rape and its effects on the victim.
Alcohol effects have also implicated protein kinase A in affecting GABA receptor function, such as promoting sensitivity.
In fact, when it comes to business, promoting cultural sensitivity will help people work more effectively when interacting with people from other countries, and will participate to make transactions are successful.
This seems to occur because although LABAs relieve asthma symptoms, they also promote bronchial inflammation and sensitivity without warning.
TH2 cytokines such as IL-5 recruit eosinophils and IL-4, IL-6, and IL-13, which promote increased sensitivity.
These teachers brought a new spirit into the school as they promoted sensitivity for Egyptian heritage.
Intended to promote accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity in analyses while preserving practicability.