However, where no deals with Buddhist thought, kumi odori leans toward Confucianism, choosing to promote moderation rather than enlightenment.
The organisation was established to provide political education to the general public, and in particular to promote moderation over revolution.
But how do we best promote decency, moderation and pluralism?
"In our development aid, in our diplomatic educational assistance, the United States will promote moderation and tolerance and human rights," he said.
It also has quietly encouraged Lithuanian-Americans to promote moderation in Vilnius.
It was mainly spokesman Éduc'alcool organization that promotes moderation in alcohol consumption.
The United States can promote moderation, but cannot ensure its ascendancy.
In Australia, the temperance movement began in the mid-1830s, promoting moderation rather than abstinence.
It has a long-term strategic vision to promote religious moderation, effective and sound education, inter-faith dialogue and harmony.
It promotes religious moderation, peace and interfaith harmony.