The men were known to have watched video and audio recordings promoting violent jihad, including lectures by al-Awlaki, who is suspected of inciting Muslims to violence.
Mr. al-'Owhali's lawyers have said in court papers that he was "exposed to teachings and materials which promoted jihad and martyrdom at an early age."
Mr. Hassoun also helped distribute a newsletter published by Dr. Jayyousi, The Islam Report, that the indictment said "promoted violent jihad as a religious obligation."
He admits that Mr. bin Laden gave his first interview to Peter Arnett on CNN because he wanted to "use" the cable news channel to promote jihad.
Mr. al-'Owhali's lawyers say he was "exposed to teachings and materials which promoted jihad and martyrdom at an early age."
The indictment says the newsletter "promoted violent jihad as a religious obligation."
In Pakistan's Public Schools, Jihad Still Part of Lesson Plan - The Muslim nation's public school texts still promote hatred and jihad, reformers say.
According Gabriel Weimann, in "Responses to cyber terrorism", the institute ran a virtual magazine dedicated to promoting global jihad, entitled "Sawt al-Jihad".
I cannot imagine a film promoting jihad against infidels and apostates to ensure that the Koran survives to reach higher prominence after the apocalypse.
In a training center in Kunduz, the guerrillas stored pamphlets promoting global jihad, most of them printed in Pakistan.