The contemporary Right usually defines itself as promoting deregulation of banking, commerce, and industry.
Despite recent warnings from federal regulators about the California situation, the Clinton-Gore administration has promoted California-style deregulation as a model for the nation.
The privatization programme also covers schemes to promote deregulation and competition in the economy.
Regulators, as a rule, do not like to promote deregulation, and James M. Lents, who heads the primary air-quality regulator for southern California, is no exception.
Surprisingly, second place was won by Owen Jennings of the ACT party, a small party that promotes economic deregulation and other laissez-faire economic policies.
Bilateral and sub-regional trading arrangements have been advocated by governments as economic development tools, as they been designed to promote economic deregulation.
The government was active in promoting privatization and deregulation in general, and the information technology (IT) sector was no exception.
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the magazine was pivotal in promoting deregulation and the importance of cost-benefit analysis.
The summit must not be a cover-up, promoting deregulation and flexibilization, nor should it seek to impose a policy of jobs with no real prospects.
But he said he told Mr. Clinton that "my administration is promoting deregulation," and that dictating targets "runs right in the face of our basic tenet."