Second, they found that under positive frequency dependent predation, predators can promote coexistence.
Alfred Nobel, who was the world's pre-eminent merchant of death and armaments in his day, wanted to promote coexistence.
Beach management must promote coexistence with wildlife habitats and must work to control erosion.
Hence the need for, and the importance of, faith-based programmes that promote peaceful coexistence.
They must use advances in communications technology to promote peaceful coexistence, mutual respect, dialogue and understanding.
It is ready for North-South talks to promote peaceful coexistence on the divided peninsula.
The organization's mission is to promote sustainable coexistence between people and nature through scientific research and public education.
That would be the first step towards reducing violence in the region and promoting coexistence.
This will promote coexistence and even better relations between the countries concerned and also relations within the European Union.
In the political sphere, it promotes tolerance and peaceful coexistence.