The World Health Organization promotes circumcision as a preventive measure for sexually active men in populations at high risk for HIV.
A campaign to promote circumcision in this country would be premature without stronger evidence, but the time is right for a communitywide dialogue.
A good example is the current drive in Kenya to promote circumcision among communities that do not customarily circumcise.
After several additional incidents in which circumcision also appeared effective in treating paralyzed joints, Sayre began to promote circumcision as a powerful orthopedic remedy.
Later he more explicitly denounced the practice, rejecting and condemning those who promoted circumcision to Gentile Christians.
Studies have been conducted to assess the acceptability of promoting circumcision in place where they traditionally do not circumcise.
Promoting male circumcision should be recognized as an additional, important strategy for the prevention of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men.
Recently, he penned an article promoting circumcision entitled Should all males be circumcised?