The organization sought to promote chastity in young people before marriage, preferring to avoid the use of the term sexual abstinence.
Fasting is believed to help promote chastity and humility and prevent sin, the outburst of uncontrolled lusts and desires and far-fetched hopes.
"They laid it on her coming over here" not to promote teen chastity, said one of her friends.
She promotes teenage chastity for its psychological benefits not for strictly religious reasons.
He speaks favorably of some of Pope John Paul II's statements and also of Baptist churches' work to promote premarital chastity.
The religion has a strong emphasis on traditional values found in Abrahamic religions, which promote chastity over sexual promiscuity.
Other critics have found the lyris to be representative of an anthem promoting chastity.
Thus, the church's duty is to promote virtues contrary to these vices - chastity, temperance and charity.
Dressing immodestly is not a violation of the law of chastity, but "modesty promotes chastity".