On 3 June 1746, just two days after his acquittal he was promoted admiral of the blue and given command of a large squadron.
He was promoted rear admiral on 7 January 1966.
He served on that station until 1953, taking part in the Korean War, and was promoted admiral in 1952.
He was promoted rear admiral in 1814 and resigned his commission in 1821.
On 9 November 1805 St Vincent was promoted admiral of the red.
He was promoted rear admiral (contre-amiral) on 7 December 1881.
He was promoted admiral of the blue the same month, and the next year was made admiral of the white.
Adam was promoted rear admiral on 27 May 1825.
He was promoted vice-admiral in that year and promoted admiral in 1862.
He was promoted rear admiral on 21 October 1762.