Critics of Widzer cite that his work often takes a positive position towards airlines and that he strongly promotes adherence to airline loyalty programs.
America's Army always promoted adherence to the U.S. Army's seven core values.
Corrigan advocates the judicial philosophy of textualism, which "promotes adherence to the actual text of statutes".
The study will allocate resources to promote adherence to the treatment protocol and monitor treatment fidelity.
Both groups had a weekly, 15-minute session with a health care provider designed to promote adherence to treatment.
The FLA protects workers' rights and improves working conditions by promoting adherence to international labor standards.
Relying on these links and on local practices can help to promote awareness of and adherence to IHL principles among local groups and communities.
It describes its mission as promoting adherence to international and national labor laws.
Hot-dip coated with a thin layer of aluminium / silicon alloy containing 5% to 11% silicon to promote better adherence.
UNA-UK wants to promote multilateralism and adherence to international law through four policy programmes: