"Someday" featured in promo spots for NBC's 2009 fall season of The Biggest Loser.
Each week's box of LPs typically contained two promo spots: one for weekdays and one for the weekends.
This is the promo spot I got off their website.
The full-function production suite is used to produce all the sweepers, promo spots, and special programs.
I postponed the promo spot, went home, and went through his office.
By the time next week's "Roseanne" has appeared, the promo spots have probably occupied more time than the half-hour the program takes to air.
Throughout that day's programming on Channel 6, bold new promo spots began to air.
The promo spots were taken over in May 2007 by Steve Fletcher.
He animated numerous television commercials and promo spots, including the NFL campaign on Fox.
First promo spot for Safura s Eurovision 2010 song Drip Drop .