He knew that he was producing the most promising work of his generation.
But some of the most promising work is coming from cell biologists who have become expert in cloning trees.
But much of the most promising work is painting and drawing.
It has a terrific improvisational energy, something like a good studio visit when a great deal of promising work is under way.
There is promising work under way and over time, I am confident that there will be many good models to choose from.
Because of lack of support by the medical community, Haas was forced to discontinue his promising work.
Disappointed by the low pay, he found more promising work as an alcohol counselor with the District government.
It is unusual to see an exhibition split so completely between promising and bordering-on-awful work.
Without prejudging the merits of this promising work, I can discern certain advantages in it.
In this promising but uneven work, such digressions are not fanciful so much as frustrating.