A promising new program that combines work and education could make a difference in their lives.
When they do track down promising programs, they look for students who can benefit from them.
Many states and localities are now experimenting with a host of promising programs designed to help disabled people stay in the community.
At the same time, what officials had hoped would be a promising program of voluntary repatriation has been disappointing.
I also proposed immediately expanding promising programs to all at-risk youth.
In the context of the nation's health care, policy analysts still call Oregon's program innovative and promising.
Although politics create promising programs, actual progress is limited.
One promising program operates at two sites in Manhattan, funded by the city.
The proposed regulations would derail one of the country's most promising programs for the uninsured before it has even started.
Defenses against raiders must preserve promising future-oriented programs in technology, human resources, market development and other areas.