A workshop was held in 2006 to establish which are the most promising options.
As you might expect from the first version of a tool, it doesn't always get things right, but it's an interesting and promising option.
An especially promising option is the full reporting of trade credit data, such as records from cash and carry warehouses.
At five foot three, fight wasn't the most promising option.
Lesson for voters is don't trust politicians promising soft and easy options.
However, investing in nuclear power could actually make a solution to global warming less likely by diverting funds from these more promising options.
At that time he called a leadership under the former king, Zahir Shah, promising option.
Although the president spoke of "promising options," there are many questions about technological feasibility.
And one promising post-football option began not with a strategy, but with an e-mail message.
Unfortunately, this probably meant that using blackmail for revenge wasn't a very promising option.