The promising initial findings encouraged some of those on the Fitzroy committee to consider a move was worthy of more investigation.
But investigators advise caution in interpreting the results, noting that many promising early findings have failed to lead to effective treatments for AIDS patients.
Transfer factor has some promising findings as a target of immune research, but can only be considered an incompletely investigated field that has been essentially lost to history.
But the experience also yielded promising findings about low-calorie, high-nutrient diets.
CDC is conducting formative work to inform the development of new behavioral interventions and identify behavior change interventions with promising findings that would warrant further study.
If this research results in promising findings, then it is continued in patient studies.
The method is independent of the user's knowledge of gene function and can therefore be used to identify promising findings rapidly in an unbiased way.
While this field is still at an early stage, there have already been promising findings.
Some of these products work; others are simply based on inconclusive, yet promising findings.
There are some promising findings from research, but we need coordinated efforts if we are to achieve a breakthrough.