The sheriff's office had one promising clue to the victim's identity: an extensive collection of tattoos on her arms, legs and torso.
If so, it would be one of the most promising clues that has yet been spoken of publicly by officials during the manhunt.
It's time consuming, but no promising clue goes untracked.
It was perhaps the most promising clue in the case so far.
Since he had been unable to obtain promising clues, he had to trust his luck from the start.
Another promising clue emerged from the letter, possibly the bomber's only mistake since apparently being seen in 1987.
But now his mind reverted to the point, and he decided it remained his most promising clue.
In neither case was there a promising clue to match evidence found in Soames's room.
"A promising clue gone west," he thought regretfully as be asked Miss Louden to continue.
He reached this conclusion the more readily because he could at the same time investigate another and more promising clue.