At the dawn of civilization, medical science had promised immortality.
Her central myth served as the context for the secret rites of regeneration at Eleusis, which promised immortality to initiates.
Claiming powers of mystical healing and prophecy, Frank promises immortality to his converts.
In return, the Dark One promised them worldly power and immortality.
"You promised me immortality last night."
Ezra had been too honest to promise immortality, but he had chosen his timing, and had the luck of a clear morning.
The original Elken had been promised immortality, a chance to be downloaded into a perfect, undying body, to be like the gods themselves.
And how can you promise immortality?
But it is the Keeper who promises you immortality.
West's attempts to scale the heroic heights of history painting, the pictorial mountain that seemed to promise 18th-century artists instant immortality, are stagy and inert.