In addition to his academic and popular contributions to the field of astronomy, Menzel was a prominent skeptic concerning the reality of UFOs.
There have been several prominent skeptics of the paranormal that have questioned Van Praagh's abilities.
Seitz was also the founding chairman of the George C. Marshall Institute, a tobacco industry consultant and a prominent skeptic on the issue of global warming.
John Mueller, a scholar of international relations at the Ohio State University, is a prominent nuclear skeptic.
He was a master interviewer, and a number of prominent skeptics were won over by his ability to learn their secrets.
Paul Kurtz (December 21, 1925 - October 20, 2012) was a prominent American skeptic and secular humanist.
To be sure, according to interviews with some prominent skeptics, there is now wide agreement among them that the average surface temperature of the earth has indeed risen.
The show also features discussions of recent scientific developments in laymen's terms, and interviews authors and other prominent skeptics.
Other prominent skeptics are saying similar things.
Gardner was a senior CSICOP fellow and prominent skeptic of the paranormal.