New York has dozens of gourmet societies whose members occasionally take over prominent restaurants to give themselves splendid dinners.
It was one of the hottest and most socially prominent restaurants in town.
Moser was married to Philippe Rochat, who owns a prominent French restaurant.
In the last two years, several hundred prominent restaurants across the country have agreed to ban swordfish from their menus.
You'd never guess you were entering Hawaii's most prominent restaurant, though, given its location on the third floor of a drab office building not far from central Honolulu.
Sizzler is another prominent restaurant offering a buffet.
Some lawsuits accuse even prominent restaurants of minimum wage violations.
In the Las Cucharas section of this area, there are also various prominent restaurants by the beach, serving mostly seafood.
Will he be haunted by past affairs with both the city's most prominent restaurant critic and her sister?
As dusk falls over the city, so too do menu prices in many prominent restaurants.