Its current location is at one of the most prominent intersections in the city, and the statue is well lit at night.
Gomme, in Bristol: an architectural history (1979), described it as a key building on a prominent intersection.
The department store features a rounded corner with a glazed curtain wall facing the prominent intersection.
Another prominent intersection is the one nearest Yorkville at Bay and Bloor, the centre of an expensive shopping district.
It is located at the prominent intersection of Bank Street and Sparks Street.
It was located at the prominent intersection of Rideau Street and Sussex Drive.
The church faces east and is situated on a prominent intersection at the border of Tipperary Hill and Syracuse.
Though not necessarily state or county roads, some of the more prominent intersections in town include Larrimore Road and South Barfield Highway.
The most prominent intersection on M Street between those points is with South Capitol Street.
This placed the tree on the corner of the mall closest to the prominent intersection of Peachtree and Lenox Roads.