That's not to say that there isn't vigorous debate over the details, or that there are some prominent dissenters.
One of China's most prominent dissenters, who was expelled from the Communist Party last winter after nationwide student demonstrations, said today that China could not carry through its current modernization drive without true democracy.
Louis J. Freeh, Director of the F.B.I. and the most prominent dissenter to Attorney General Janet Reno's controversial decision against an independent counsel, was nowhere in sight today during her announcement.
After Pope Paul VI issued "Humanae Vitae," the declaration forbidding Catholics to use birth control, Father Haring was one of the most prominent dissenters.
Though a prominent dissenter, he was buried in the chancel of Horwich Church on 9 February 1765.
One prominent dissenter on the greenhouse question, Dr. Robert Balling, a climatologist at Arizona State University, says, "the surface temperatures appear to be rising, no doubt," and other skeptics agree.
One of the prominent dissenters who arose in the 17th century was John Smyth.
One prominent and perhaps surprising dissenter about her looks was Richard Burton, who was twice her husband.
The Soviet Union's most prominent dissenter had already put his challenge to Gorbachev personally, when the Soviet leader telephoned to tell Sakharov that he could return, after nearly seven years, to Moscow.
However, emigration was also used as a sort of release valve to hasten the departure of limited prominent vocal dissenters.