As one of the most prominent dealers of contemporary art, her time might be better spent searching out and developing new talent.
But even many prominent dealers who are well established on 57th Street feel the urge to open galleries in Chelsea.
"Because of the morale factor, few bond traders today have the stomach for risk-taking," one prominent dealer who did not want to be identified said.
There is also a strong need on the part of prominent dealers to be seen with their stars.
But now many prominent dealers say they are being offered goods they never would have dreamed of getting a few seasons ago.
Seasoned visitors will notice the absence of a few prominent dealers, whose reasons for missing the show vary.
As early as 1868, the firm turned its attention to the metal trade, becoming prominent dealers in lead during that year.
Bankers Trust has been among the nation's most prominent dealers of derivatives.
They made the rounds of the more prominent dealers.
She is on her way to becoming New York's first prominent black dealer.