The members of the upper chamber were appointed for life and included the crown prince, prominent bishops, heads of noble families, and great citizens.
At Cambridge, Hudson also tutored Charles James Blomfield who became a prominent bishop.
And here prominent bishop proposes applied courses in the so-called facts of life in high schools.
In Mr. Agbayani's case, when the president received a final-hour plea for clemency from a prominent bishop, he acted quickly.
The order has furnished some prominent bishops to Australia, e.g. Irishman James Alipius Goold.
The empress is accused, with no proof, of having urged her husband to persecute the Trinitarian sect, including persecting many prominent bishops.
Ernest Henry Burgmann (9 May 1885-14 March 1967) was a prominent Australian Anglican bishop and social activist.
Several prominent bishops have publicly encouraged Cardinal Connell to allow an open investigation, especially since the television program cast doubt on his willingness to do so.
These include prominent bishops of the period around 1600: Lancelot Andrewes, Thomas Dove, and John Overall.
The grandfather, Henry Dudley Ryder, was a prominent Anglican Evangelical bishop.