So either the demands must be softened or, equally unwelcome, coalition forces may feel they have to settle down for prolonged occupation without a formal cease-fire.
They also worry about a prolonged occupation in a post-Hussein Iraq.
If Israel was concerned about human rights it would have ended its prolonged occupation.
The account is vague about what happened and where and whether or not it involved a prolonged local occupation or was merely a short lived military operation.
And nothing will sap Western support for aid more quickly than prolonged occupation of the Baltics.
The prolonged occupation led to looting and destruction of the homes and villages in the region.
The daily humiliations of the prolonged occupation are captured in scenes of roadblocks and official harrassment.
His assumption seems to be what the Israeli left has long believed: Israel cannot survive a prolonged occupation.
Remaking Iraq through prolonged American military occupation, on the model of postwar Germany, seems unrealistic.
If there were to be prolonged occupation, together with an ongoing general situation of insecurity, we would be facing a two-fold risk.