"Oppose legislation that will finance the prolonged existence of the Castro regime."
She could not conceive of a prolonged existence with him as her sole companion.
You wake every morning, see the gold upon the snow-peaks, become filled with courage, and bless God for your prolonged existence.
Perhaps that does not assure you a very prolonged existence, but only the future can show.
Very probably his chances of a prolonged existence are in inverse ratio to the square of the distance of time which severs him from our modern days.
Uncertainty over the prolonged existence of the sunset provision has made estate planning more complicated.
I am quite certain that during all his prolonged existence Oro never crawled.
The underlying cause of their behaviour is 'greensickness': a mental condition in which subconscious tensions are generated by a prolonged existence in an artificial environment.
But there, too, were memories of a twin brother, memories of a shattered body, of a prolonged, painful existence.
The need to undertake the negotiations again also meant the agreement between the partners about the prolonged existence of several nuclear power plants had to be reconsidered.