"The Grunt" has been a prolific source of samples for hip hop producers.
"This has become the single most prolific source of litigation," he said.
Also, the young lancer was a prolific source of good, or at least confi-dent, advice on how to deal with a hangover.
He realized at once that the heat generated in a solid core was a prolific source of loss.
This passage is the most prolific source about historical runic magic which has been preserved.
The most prolific source of information has been Apple's supply chain.
The countryside around it has a reputation for being a prolific source of kief.
The Gnostic tradition was a prolific source of apocryphal gospels.
Even if it did not, a stiff tax on gasoline would be a prolific source of revenue for other needs -education, for one good example.
They had at one time been a prolific source of methane.