Results showed that participants scoring high on hardiness had significantly higher mean antigen- and mitogen-induced proliferative responses.
The proliferative responses and potential for Th1 and Th2 phenotype development were therefore examined following adenoviral transduction.
CR-1409 completely abolished this proliferative response and also prevented the rise in nucleic acid and protein contents.
The increase in proliferative response became increasingly obvious at two weeks (1.43 v 0.20%) and was still present at three weeks (0.88 v 0.35%).
The surviving fraction of stem cells, which may be as low as 1/100000 mount a proliferative response.
The remaining T cells have poor proliferative and cytolytic responses and poor interleukin-2 production, although thymic development appears normal.
In order to be classified as an epitope, the average proliferative response to a peptide had to reach a stimulation index of 3.0.
Peptides eliciting a 3-fold or higher average proliferative response over the background response were considered T cell epitopes.
Any or all of these mechanisms could contribute to the enrichment for peptide-specific proliferative responses seen in vitro.
A proliferative response was counted as positive if the average counts for a particular peptide were three times higher than the control levels.