Experts at the United Nations Development Program said their projections "reflect current trends, not destiny."
For this reason, CBO's projections do not reflect the full cost of maintaining current policies if maintaining those policies would require enacting new legislation.
The projections also do not reflect the expected 17See Congressional Budget Office, The Budget and Economic Outlook: An Update (July 2000), pp.
The rising costs and the company's lowered projections for growth this year reflect the intensifying competition among H.M.O.'s as Aetna has reconfigured itself into a managed health care company.
Pepsi's financial projection reflected two trends, according to securities analysts: vicious soft drink competition among colas and so-called New Age beverages, and slow growth at restaurant chains.
The intermediate projections, which reflect the Trustees' best estimate, reflect changes in the working age population, particularly the increasing rate of retirement by the baby boom generation after 2010.
Still, the projections do reflect some of Mr. Bush's own spending priorities.
The projections based on these scenarios are not predictions, but reflect plausible estimates of future social and economic development (e.g., economic growth, population level).
Such statements, estimates and projections reflect various assumptions made by the Shareholders and by the management of the Company concerning anticipated results, which assumptions may or may not prove to be correct.
However, the IPCC's projections do not reflect the full range of uncertainty.