Purchasing plans for the next 12 months were up sharply in March, though the most optimistic projections came from smaller companies.
And with the projections coming out of Wall Street's research departments, it's small wonder that the stocks are doing so well.
He said this projection comes after a strong year in 1988, as advertiser spending has risen 7.9 percent, to $118.3 billion.
While the annual forecast has frequently been too optimistic, the projection for last year came fairly close.
But unfortunately we don't have a lot of record yet that shows that these projections will come true.
From its depths came a black projection which developed into the vague shape of a human arm.
The comptroller's projections came in an analysis of the county's $2.2 billion budget for the first four months of the year.
The slanting projection of rock came down from above.
If the scientists' projections come true over the next century, will people seeking truly great foliage go all the way to Canada?
The projection comes from a 3.5-inch device with a camera inside that spots the position of your fingers.