This service was created by, a project spearheaded by Josh Felser and Jim Van Huysse.
The project, originally spearheaded by former Vice President of Student Affairs Dean Bresciani, was initially proposed with partial access to the facility during renovation.
The $1.25 billion project spearheaded by Mr. Fishman's company will include 3,000 new housing units and retail space along a 56-acre site along the city's waterfront.
It is an ambitious project spearheaded by a major sponsor, Jet Services, an express parcel service in France.
Founded in December 2009, The Memorials is a project spearheaded by Thomas Pridgen.
The project, spearheaded by the Estate of James Campbell, will cover 32,000 acres.
The next project, spearheaded by a sponsored walk in October 2010, is to rebuild the crumbling walls of a reservoir.
An ambitious project spearheaded by Soichiro Honda, engineering delays and a high price against its competition hampered its success.
The project, spearheaded by Batycki, was an immediate hit as Hornaday and the rest of the Truck Series competitors were very complimentary of the new addition.
It is a mixed-use project spearheaded by the Richmond Redevelopment Agency, in partnership with a large consortium of local, state, and federal agencies.