The project currently supports fourteen forest projects worldwide and links them to supporters in Wales.
In Claudville, the central project involved running a white spaces link between a local school and a nearby fiber optic line.
The project will link seven oil and natural gas fields that were too small to develop alone.
Both these projects linked with the Beach Park.
These projects have linked national historical narratives, and prepared tools and materials to structure history programs.
As the project now links 3 Peruvian ports to Brazil, the route has several branches (map).
This more limited project will link local government facilities.
The project, which is without precedent for Europe, combines the past with the present and links the cultural with the digital dimension.
The project, based on similar systems in Europe, links the penalty to the defendant's daily income, creating what is known as a "day fine."
The two projects would also link the major parts of the country not served by water transport, and the main centres of the economy.