The project impacted funding and repairs for more than 65 homes.
Once approved by regulatory agencies the mitigation bank may sell credits to developers whose projects will impact these various ecosystems.
By demonstrating a growth model for productivity enhancement, the project not only impacted the million small livestock holders in Kerala, but also millions outside the state.
Two major economic projects have lastingly impacted the 5th District and have indelibly dictated the politics of North Alabama for most of the 20th Century.
There is concern that the project could impact the river and the valley's previously isolated botany and fauna, in particular that run-off from the tunnel construction site might foul the pristine Hollyford River.
"All these projects would impact more people and provide additional options for Long Islanders," Mr. Pally said.
Proponents of ethno-tourism suggest that such projects can positively impact the public image and economic prospects of the indigenous community.
The project has directly impacted thousands of individuals across Canada and is now gaining ground internationally.
Alongside the fast-growing expansion rate of individual SOS chapters across North America in 2011, SOS's Exam-AID has affected over 25,000 students within Canada and the United States, whereas the outreach projects have directly impacted 2920 students in Latin America.
Opponents of the mine dispute many of the claims made by Glacier Northwest and allege that the project will severely impact sensitive shoreline habitat [1].