Since its inception, the project has identified more than 1,500 of the 30,000 people unaccounted for.
The project has already identified many genes of medical interest and prompted investments by several companies.
Accordingly, his projects identify those practices, which contribute to the alteration and transformation of society.
The project will also identify good practice in initiating and implementing change, planning resource deployment and appraising performance.
The project will identify the groups vulnerable to expulsion, and consider the motivations of states for inducing or encouraging mass departures.
The project recently identified more than 30,000 human genes and published their DNA sequences on public databases.
This project will therefore identify the resources posing the greatest risk to specific business sectors because of anticipated threats to their availability.
The project identified not 200 Civil War veterans - as had originally been expected - but 2,998.
This project identifies energy conservation and efficiency opportunities for residential, commercial and industrial customers.
In order to achieve these aims, the project identified the following requirements/underlying goals: