In truth, he wants to focus on what goes right, which is the huge team effort that such major projects entail.
The project entails a total section of 138 kilometres and the rehabilitation is planned to be finished in 30 months' time.
The project will entail redesigning the roads network within the airport site.
The projects he set up often entailed the cooperation of businesses, nonprofit agencies and government.
The project entailed around $1.2 billion in construction costs for training facilities, motor pools, and other buildings.
First make sure you know what a project like that entails.
The studies would be needed because of the complex engineering problems the project would entail.
She will coordinate everything, she'll have to be familiar with all the hundreds of tasks this project entails.
Consequently the project entailed both the delivery of new rolling stock and the infrastructure changes needed to support them.
For children who do go into the community to serve, the projects they choose often entail a personal connection.