A number of projects championed by Zuokas have since been started or completed:
The University of Texas-Pan American has seen continued growth in part because of the successful legislative projects championed by Representative Peña.
In killing off the plan for a new disciplinary housing area, Commissioner Horn eliminated a project conceived and championed more than three years ago by his predecessor.
Gov. George E. Pataki's preliminary budget has not improved the negotiating climate, as it slashes funds for the Second Avenue subway, a project championed by Mr. Silver.
A project championed by Mr. Hastert for his district will provide $70 million for a bridge.
Democrats are looking for a way to avoid a repetition of last year, when Mr. Pataki vetoed $1.6 billion in spending and borrowing approved by the Legislature, the vast majority of it in projects and programs championed by Democrats.
That project, championed by former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, never got off the ground, and the authority has used about half of the leftover money to buy several private bus lines and build a new bus depot on Staten Island.
Alexis Strum was also the singer and songwriter behind Bo Pepper, a puppet-fronted indie pop band/ project, championed by the likes of Perez Hilton.
The second campus was part of a larger project, championed by then-college president Richard Weigle, which called for six campuses to be built across the country.
In the frenetic race to complete work on the bill, the Senate agreed to a number of pet projects championed by individual senators.