The tragus is a small pointed eminence of the external ear, situated in front of the concha, and projecting backward over the meatus.
Distinguishing features of Ductilodon include horns that project backward from the skull and an arched row of teeth on the palate.
(Here, as elsewhere, he seems to be projecting backward from several violent incidents in Marlowe's later life, or drawing inferences from the plays.)
The orbital process is a thick, strong plate, projecting backward and medialward from the orbital margin.
I stress the point that this was my instant impression, and not something that I am projecting backward out of what I later discovered about Vornan-19.
Their collective ages, projected backward in time, would take us to 1649.
Moreover, it has a large olecranon process on the ulna which projects backward past the elbow, giving a large area for the insertion of the triceps muscle.
His ground is less sure than it has been, though; he writes more richly when he projects forward from the past rather than backward from the present.
The spinous process is thick, broad, and somewhat quadrilateral; it projects backward and ends in a rough, uneven border, thickest below where it is occasionally notched.
Its anterior border is free; its posterior border is joined with the conoid ligament, the two forming, by their junction, an angle projecting backward.