The White House projects a Federal budget deficit this year of $173 billion after the record 1986 deficit of $221 billion.
The words reflected the Chancellor's clear decision that he must project the image of the responsible statesman after a year of policy zig-zags.
A notch in the film was recognised by the projector, which would then project the second frame after it for 10 seconds.
Once documentation of the official projections was released, it was found that the operators projected daily traffic after six months at 85,352.
Defensive realism, on the other hand, cannot explain why the United States projected its power with zeal after 1890 despite the relative absence of serious threats.
We're projecting a $2 billion deficit next fiscal year, and a $4 billion deficit the fiscal year after that.
Similarly, a shadow projected onto a distant object can be made to move faster than c, after a delay in time.
Projecting a career after a player wins the Heisman has always been hit and miss.
Beyond that, it projects the possibility of a dialogue between architecture and crafts that was anticipated but not realized after World War II.
The doctors said they did not expect the problem to recur and projected no limitations on Mr. Clinton's activities after a recovery period of four to six weeks.