A prohibition notice is served where a health and safety inspector believes that continuing an activity presents the risk of serious personal injury.
Of the hotels in the survey, four had been served improvement notices by environmental health officers, while three had received prohibition notices.
The prohibition notice requires the activity to stop until health and safety controls have been put in place.
That latest scenario occurred because the local authority issued a prohibition notice on the Deva Stadium after police refused to man the game.
If your vehicle is found to be exceeding the limits at a roadside test, you will be given a prohibition notice.
If the tribunal upholds a prohibition notice, you must not resume the prohibited activity without taking the required remedial action.
If inspectors believe that your work activities give rise to a risk of serious personal injury, they may issue you with a prohibition notice.
The prohibition notice normally requires you to stop that activity immediately.
The prohibition notice will explain why the inspector thinks there is a risk of serious personal injury.
You must comply with a prohibition notice or you can be fined or sent to prison.