This threatened his mayorship because of Texas state law prohibiting minors from serving as mayor.
That is, Missouri law prohibits minors from possessing or purchasing alcohol.
State law prohibits minors from possessing alcohol on public property, but does not address drinking on private property.
The ruling invalidated a state law that prohibited single minors from obtaining abortions without permission of their parents, a legal guardian or a judge.
Laws in many jurisdictions prohibit minors from entering a bar.
I also support legislation to prohibit minors from being transported across state lines to obtain an abortion.
Last month, the Borough of Flemington passed a local ordinance prohibiting minors from smoking in public.
This policy prohibits minors from entering the mall unless accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 21 (it does not apply to the movieplex).
It is also important in my view to take all reasonable steps to prohibit minors from gaming online.
He also voted for a bill to prohibit pregnant minors from crossing state borders to obtain abortions.