In 2005, the Nation was the first indigenous nation to prohibit such mining on its reservation.
There was concern from Park City mining interests that construction of the Jordanelle would flood sections of the Ontario Mine, prohibiting future mining there.
Wilderness Act of 1974 (allowing the state legislature to designate state lands as wilderness areas and prohibit mining, logging, or road construction).
Although the listing would not prohibit mining, it could cause the federal government to delay or modify permits, potentially affecting hundreds of jobs, including about 100 held by union workers.
At issue was a painfully drafted protocol to the Antarctic Treaty that would prohibit mining and drilling in the world's largest wilderness for 50 years.
The "Responsible Mining (Protecting Land, Water and Communities) Bill 2012" seeking to prohibit exploration and mining of minerals and petroleum in urban areas, National Parks, and drinking water catchments.
Mr. Cohen, the proponents' lawyer, said that "if municipalities, through zoning, continue to prohibit mining, their decisions could conflict with the state's policy of" encouraging the mining community.
More recent rights-based organizing, in Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Maine, Virginia and California has prohibited corporate mining, large-scale water withdrawals and chemical trespass.
It will also manage sustainable harvesting of fur-bearing animals and develop tourism opportunities, while prohibiting mining, forestry, and hydro-electric development.
The Reagan Administration has a firm policy prohibiting mining, oil drilling, timber harvesting and other resource development in the national parks.